Movie : PAYCHECK(2003)


 |  Michael, a reverse engineer who is suffering from amnesia is forced to piece together his past while on the  run.


In a near future, Michael Jennings works  as a reverse-engineer, hired by companies  to analyze their competitors' technology and  recreate their products, but with improvements  to outcompete the competition. 

This time  Michael has reversed-engineered a 3D screen  into a 3D hologram. To protect his client's  intellectual property that he has built,  he undergoes procedures to wipe his memory,  something that his friend Shorty does for  him. What has taken competitors years to develop,  Michael can do for his clients in a couple months, and so Michael receives big paychecks for his  work. This time, he receives over $500,000.  

A short time afterwards, after having exercised  some martial arts, his friend says he can't  really understand why he accepts to erase his  memory. Michael however explains he sees it as a good life, since he remembers the fun stuff like  diving in Belize with beautiful women, but not his  
time consuming work. 

One day, Michael receives an  invitation to his old college friend's wedding,James Rethrick. Some time later, Michael  and Shorty are seen arriving at the party,  where Michael sees a beautiful woman. He leaves  Shorty to go talk to her, and learns that her  name is Rachel and that she is a doctor in  biology, working for his friend James.

 Apparently,  James always treats his company's projects like  they are top secret, and so she can't tell him what she does. Michael asks her to join him and  go somewhere else to enjoy each other's company,  but she wants to stay at the party. She leaves  him, and soon after, Michael meets his friend  James. 

The two hug each other and go to talk  in a meeting room. James tells him he has a job for him, but can't tell him more than that it  involves optics. He tells Michael that he will  give him stock options in the company, saying he  can guarantee an 8-figure paycheck.

 Michael asks James what the catch is, and James replies that he  may have to work on it for 2 to 3 years instead of 2 to 3 months like he usually does. Being unsure  whether he'd want to give up 3 years of his life,  his friend tells him he will never have to do  any job anymore, he could retire for life. 

Next,  Michael arrives in a helicopter to James's  technology company that is called Allcom.  A man tells him he will have to leave all his  belongings, which will be returned to him once  his job is done, and they put his stuff in an  envelope. When meeting James, Michael gets an  injection that will wipe his memory from this  moment on, once he receives a second injection sometime in the future. As James leads Michael  out to show him his new workplace for the next  3 years, James is called upon and is required  somewhere else. Michael looks around for himself  in the meantime, and suddenly he meets Rachel.  

They have a quick talk before James comes back, after Michael is led to a room where he meets  his co-worker Dr. Dekker. As Michael is shown  the project, everything is suddenly over. 3 years  have passed, and Michael has finished his work.  

They tell him his money has been transferred to  his account. When Michael checks his stock options  at home later, he sees he's worth $92,000,000. He  goes to Reddy Grant the same day to discuss his  finances, and talks to a woman. He receives  the envelope with his old supposed items, but they aren't his, which makes him confused. But  it doesn't bother him since he can buy new things, and instead asks how he can take out some  of his money by selling the shares he got.  

The woman confused tells him he forfeited his  shares 4 weeks ago, and Michael becomes scared, having lost everything he was paid. She asks if he  doesn't remember giving it away, and he says no. He tells her upset it must be a mistake since  giving away $100,000,000 for some cheap stuff in  an envelope is absolutely insane. He leaves to go  home and make some phone calls. But then suddenly, he hears someone walking in his apartment, seeing  his door has been opened. He tries to run, but men  start fighting him, and he is shot by a taser  gun. He ends up in an FBI interrogation room.  

They say he has accepted payment of classified  government technology, which is treason and  that he'd be fried for that. They look through his  stuff and test the fit of his watch on his wrist. 

Michael is then told that a Mr. Dekker, who  worked for the government developing weapons, got his classified project shelved, and so he sold  technology to a private company. They think Allcom bought it, but can't prove it since Mr. Dekker was  found dead. This month, patent applications were made based on designs from Mr. Dekker's work, and  all documents have Michael's signature on them.  They say he needs to tell them everything  he knows about the owner James Rethrick.  

Michael says his memory was wiped, and they bring  out a device to extract potential memories he has left. One agent needs a smoke, and another agent  gives him a cigarette from Michael's envelope. But the cigarette smoke triggers the fire alarm,  and the room fills with water vapor so the FBI agents can't see anything. Michael grabs  his envelope and puts on the glasses in it, with which he apparently can see everything,  despite the water vapor. He escapes the room,  and runs out on the street, where the man from  Allcom sees him. Michael runs into a bus station, and FBI agents follow him. He drops the  envelope, seeing a bus ticket in it.  

He quickly runs through the gates and gets on a  bus, and the FBI agents lose him. Michael checks his stuff in the envelope on the bus, and picks  up a ring which a guy on the bus steals from him. Michael chases him off the bus, only to realize he  is at Reddy Grant. Instead of continuing chasing  
the thief, he goes to see the woman from before.  He asks who sent him the items, and she checks,  seeing he himself replaced his old items a few  weeks ago, and Michael gets perplexed.

At Allcom,   James is telling the man whose name is Wolfe, that  Michael was supposed to die at 3 minutes after 3, and that the FBI would close it's investigation  of Allcom, saying something went wrong. Wolfe says everything happened as predicted, until Michael  escaped. James then asks if anyone checked the machine since Michael left the facility. They  go to the machine, and as James powers it up, an error message appears and they can't  use it. Wolfe is tasked to find Michael. 

In a hotel, Michael is seen going through his  stuff, seeing a quote on a piece of paper, and a number on the other side. He sees a metal  piece with the company name "New Liberty Savings Bank" on it, but learns that it doesn't exist when  he makes a phone call. He has no idea what the  
different items are meant for. He calls his friend  Shorty, saying he needs help, and Shorty tells him to meet him at Union Station at 9 o'clock. At the  station, he sees an Edison worker opening a door, and remembers he has a key saying Edison on it.  He sees a stuffed animal bird and gets a glimpse  of some memory. He meets Shorty and shows  him the strange envelope with stuff in it.  

While Shorty explains he heard Allcom spent $500  billion on Michael's project, which is insane, Michael sees a TV where a winning lotto number  is shown, which is the exact same number Michael has on his piece of paper in the envelope. He now  understands. He would have never escaped the FBI without the cigarette, glasses, and bus ticket,  and never gone to Reddy Grant without the ring. He  forfeited his money to pay attention to his items,  which he gave himself to assist him in his future.  

Michael then understands, and tells Shorty that  the $500 billion that Allcom spend, bought them a machine that can show the future. Back at  Allcom, an engineer says a computer virus blocked  the machine at 3 minutes after 3. Apparently, the  virus is in the hardware and not in the software, which will take long to work their way around,  but says they don't need Michael anymore. James  makes a phone call, and at the train station,  they begin to shoot at Michael and Shorty.  

Michael gives his friend the Edison key so that  he can escape through a door. Then Michael begins fighting the men while trying to run himself. He  runs down into a subway, gets in behind the walls, but soon gets trapped by all the men chasing  him. He checks his envelope, and picks up a lighter and a spray can, which he uses as a  flamethrower. He manages to take a gun and runs, ending up on a railway track. Suddenly, Wolfe  appears who says Michael brought this on himself.  

Michael drops his magazine onto an electrically  charged metal wire, causing a distraction so he can run. A train is heard approaching, and  Wolfe laughs thinking Michael will be hit by it. Michael opens a junction box on the tunnel wall  and picks up a paperclip from the envelope,  managing to cause the train's  emergency breaks to kick in.  

Before it comes to a halt, he manages  to run fast enough to avoid being hit.  
Later, Michael is seen having a dream of being  shot in some facility, and wakes up. While  cleaning himself up, water hits the "New Liberty  Savings Bank" metal piece, revealing the name of  a "Café Michelle". He calls up to see if he made any reservation at the café, which he learns he did. Next, Rachel is seen with some birds in a  cage, watching some photos of her and Michael.  James knocks on the door, telling her Michael left  Allcom permanently yesterday, erasing his memory. Rachel didn't know he had done that, becomes  saddened, and says Michael promised he wouldn't  go through with it and that he didn't care about  the money. Later, she's about to take a shower, and James and Wolfe spy on her to find clues  about Michael. Suddenly, Rachel sees something  and becomes happy, which James and Wolfe notice.  

Rachel leaves and escapes the facility. Meanwhile, men search her partment, and eventually Wolfe  discovers a message on the bathroom mirror,  instructing to meet him at Café Michelle at 1 pm.  

Later, Rachel arrives at the café, but Michael, who is there already, seems a bit skeptical that  it's her. Outside, Wolfe is seen telling James over radio that cops are outside and they can't  shoot Michael. James sees the envelope Michael  is carrying through a spy camera that the woman is  wearing, figuring that is how Michael manages to  escape them. Through an earpiece, he tells the  woman talking to Michael, whose actual name is  Maya, to convince Michael to give her some item  from the envelope and screw things up for him, which she manages to do. However, at that  second, real Rachel appears knocking the woman  unconscious. 

Wolfe shoots at them, but misses,  after which Michael retrieves the item he gave Maya, and the two run. 

They get to a parking lot,  and Michael picks up a key from his envelope.  
It's not for a car, but a motorcycle. A high-speed chase ensues, where not only  James's men are after him, but the FBI has found  out about him and finds him from a helicopter, and cops eventually start chasing them instead.  Michael manages to escape them through a tunnel.  

In a hotel later, Rachel asks if he remembers  her, which he saddened says he doesn't. He looks through images and videos of the  two from the past 3 years, being together. He tells Rachel he is sorry and that he shouldn't  have left, and she hugs him. 

Back at Allcom, James and Wolfe are extremely upset about  how much trouble Michael has caused them.


Michael is seen having the dream about being  shot again, and Rachel asks if he's okay,  which he answers he is. Michael suddenly  sees the optical glass from the envelope, lying on the postage stamps on it. He picks it up  and looks closer at the stamps, and sees something tiny on Mr. Einstein's eye on one of them. They go  to a nearby school and look through a microscope, seeing small small images of newspapers. They soon  discover they are all from the future, showing how James becomes the most powerful man in the world,  creating a dystopia, and resulting in a world war.  Michael says he has to destroy the machine since  seeing the future will take away the mystery of  what it holds, and in turn cause people to lose  hope.

At Allcom, the engineer called Stevens hasn't figured out the hardware virus yet, but  informs James it will take one day at the most. The FBI discovers Michael has an Allcom security  pass in his envelope, figuring he will go back  to the company. Next, Michael and Rachel arrive  at Allcom, where they get spotted by security.  

James is informed they are there, and he gets  an idea, telling security not to stop the duo. They watch as Michael get closer to the room with  the machine, and James orders the guards outside the room to go away so that Michael can get to  it and fix the hardware virus, after which they plan to take him. As the two arrive, Rachel says  something is wrong since the guards are gone, and so the two barricade themselves inside by closing  the door and jamming the lock using a metal coin from Michael's envelope. Michael then powers  the machine up, but the error message is shown. 

He understands he created a bug in the system,  and the two climb down into the machine to fix it. He picks up a crossword from his envelope, and  inspects numbers he has marked on it to find the  circuit board and remove the bug. The machine  starts and James orders guards to take them.  Michael uses the machine, and he sees himself  in the lab just outside the machine room,  being shot, like in his dream. Outside, James and  the others try to get in, but the coin prevents  them from unlocking the door

While Rachel tries  to find a way out, Michael takes a bullet from the envelope and attaches it to a moving part in  the machine that fires periodically. James and his men detonate the lock and get in, just as Rachel  and Michael escape through a vent. While the two fight with men outside, James uses the machine to  attempt to see what Michael will do in the future.  

The fight outside intensifies and Michael gets a  hold of a machine gun, firing until hitting tubes that explode. James sees how Michael will be shot  by him outside the room on the facility catwalks.  

Michael finds a stick and starts fighting  men with it. As he has fended them off, he suddenly sees James approaching. He runs to  Rachel and picks up a gun, saying they have to go, and Rachel tells him they must avoid the  facility catwalks, to which Michael replies that, he knows. But as the two are about to get out  from the lab, Michael traps himself inside, telling the upset Rachel that she must leave.  Unwilling, but having no choice, she runs. 

Michael goes back inside, calling James name. They  find each other, and begin fighting one another.  The fight is long and intense, and no one seems to  have the upper hand, until suddenly James knocks Michael almost unconscious with a hard object. He  strangles him, and lifts him up on the facility catwalks above, where Michael falls off. At  the same time, the FBI storms the building, saying they must confiscate the machine for  their own use. Michael sees guards bringing Rachel out on the catwalks, letting her run  up to Michael, and the two hug each other. 

Wolfe is seen starting the machine, looking at  himself. Back on the catwalks, Rachel sees an FBI agent behind them. James loads a gun, but then  suddenly his wristwatch starts beeping, saying "GO". The FBI agent fires a shot, and Michael  dodges the bullet so that it instead hits James.


At the machine, Wolfe sees himself in an  explosion, caused by the bullet Michael planted, and tries to run out, but is caught in  the explosion like predicted. Michael and  Rachel fall down from the catwalks, but are not  harmed, and the two leave the facility. Later, some FBI boss is seen being devastated that the  machine is destroyed. 

Some time later, Rachel and Michael are seen in a greenhouse. Rachel says  somewhat playfully that she is starting a company in biotechnology and is looking for a partner.  Michael responds playfully that he doesn't think   he is the guy, but that he can try his best to be  her companion, and the two begin to kiss.

Suddenly  Shorty appears with the birds in the cage. Michael  mentions he has some faint memories about the birds, and Shorty comments he thinks it's ironic  he remembers the birds, but not something about  the future that will make them money. 

Suddenly,  Michael remembers the note with a quote, saying:  'if you only look where you can't go, you will  miss the riches below'. Michael removes the bottom of the cage, figuring the quote refers to riches  below the cage, from which one can't escape from. And there, to their surprise, lies a  piece of paper, a winning lottery ticket, worth $90 million, and they all three  absolutely erupt of joy and happiness.
